This transport provider and regulator moves in excess of 1.5 billion people around the UK’s capital every year. It employees some 30,000 people and has over £6 billion in Operational expenditure and nearly £4 billion in capital. The aspiration of the organisation is to be self funding by 2019 which will require significant increases in productivity and efficiency.
With an ever growing population within the capita and increase pressure from central government to reduce costs the organisation is constantly under pressure to optimise the value they provide to the general public.
We were employed to support the organisation to embed Lean Six Sigma principles and to grow the capability within the organisation. Within the first year we were able to train over 400 colleagues from the board of Directors down to operational staff and suppliers. Whilst building this capability we simultaneously delivered over £6m in benefits. These figures are set to double by the end of 2016 as the company continues to embrace a Lean Six Sigma culture.